Growth with technology

Smart warehouse

Impact your ecommerce supply chain and enhance visibility today with our modern distribution solutions. Our agile distribution system makes your products available coast to coast. 

Lanstar’s in-house and third party integrated technology and automation will manage your inventory in real time and automate replenishment and reordering.

Warehousing Solution

Achieve a competitive advantage without the extra cost of additional infrastructure

Built to scale

Working with Lanstar, your brand and products are our top priority – as they are serving our mutual customers. We guarantee your product’s safety and insure it is fulfilled with the customer in mind. We monitor inventory, storage, fulfillment, reordering and replenishments using 100+ data points in real time to maximize sales and customer satisfaction.

Fast Turnaround

Cross dock synergy

Very often, inventory is received and available for sale across Canada within 4 business days. Our warehouse operations are built to allow inventory to be processed and ready to be shipped quickly.

Obstacles and errors in distribution can result in a significant financial loss via missed sales opportunities and out-of-stock rates. Rely on us to ensure demand is met with supply even during peak season demands.